Thursday 10 March 2011

Viva Las Vegas! My purchases

I recently went to Las Vegas for my birthday which was in January, I like to get away as its generally a bit of a come down for everyone after Christmas. So, off my husband and I went to spend a week at the MGM Grande. It was A-MA-ZING!! Although it was super pricey for most things I quickly found the Fashion Show Mall which housed the most amazing stores with less costly price tags. My personal favourite place is Macys, I got so many items and also benefited from the 10% discount card along with all the sales that they had. Other stores that kindly accepted my plastic and cold hard cash were Sephora, Christian Audigier, Abercrombie & Fitch, Victoria Secret and Michael Korrs (to name a few, eek!) but hey it WAS my birthday =)
So without further ado, here's some of the items i acquired
I heart my Michael Korrs watch <3

One of my many items from Abercrombie & Fitch
I love this green gillet

This pic does not do this blouse much justice, It's Michael Korrs and I got 60% off at Macy's!
I love this mirror from Sephora, it illuminates when opened and is perfect for my make-up bag.

I went insane in Victoria Secret as we don't have a store in the UK (I don't think we do?) So I bought everything in sight, I got this cute dog for free as I got items from their 'Pink' range.

I highly recommend visiting as its not all about poker and slot machines. Whilst there we went to watch Circ du Soleil which was awesome, spent Saturday night in the excellent studio 54 and met all the (wax) celebs in Madame Tussard's!! It was a fantastic trip and I cant wait to go back!

Have you been to Las Vegas, which store did you splash the cash in?

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