Monday 14 March 2011

Samsung N150 plus

In order to start my blog I insisted that I get myself a nice little netbook as my husband tends to hog the main laptop that we have at home, therefore I felt it necessary to share with you what I picked up and let you know my thoughts on it.
While we were in the states I debated on whether or not to buy the new Apple MacBook Air as I have an IPhone and love it so much I considered on expanding its little family. However, with prices starting from ‘just’ £867 I became a realist for the first time and concluded that I simply couldn’t afford it.
It was during a cheeky little makeup shopping trip to Selfridges at the Trafford Centre that I spotted my new BFF! The Samsung N150 Plus was perfect for what I was looking for, at 10.1 inches and weighing 2.8 pounds, it’s compact and easy to carry about.

I’m not going to lie and be all technical about this product, although it has a webcam, Bluetooth, comes with Windows7 starter and has a 250GB memory it was the ultra-glossy pink colour that attracted me! It also comes in Black, Red, Blue and Yellow, and is cheaper if you shop around on the internet. Typically me being me, I am an impulsive shopper and I could not find the pink anywhere else so I forked out the £299 there an then and said “I’ll take the pink one!”

It’s perfect, I use it for social networking, blogging, emails, internet shopping and banking, and as it comes with word/excel so I can do my boring work stuff on it too. It doesn’t have a Disc drive, but it has 3 USB ports so an external drive is easily plugged in, as well as any other gadgets. I use the SD card slot the most for uploading images to my blog and it’s so easy… even for little old me who is a technophobe!
The only downside to my little pal is the fact that it is impossible to download iTunes so I still have to mither the hubby to put the latest tunes on for me. I also cannot put a photo as my screensaver which is no biggy and the final complaint is the keyboard, which is quite cramped. I can happily be typing away only to find that the curser has jumped from one place to another and my posts make no sense whatsoever (yes I am prone to waffling also!)

All in all I am really pleased with my buy, but I do hope to eventually purchase a nice shiny Mac one day!

I would give this product a 8/10

As an extra note, I ordered a lovely neoprene cover for my netbook from, its black which is pink on the inside with a matching pink zip and cost just £6.99

Jen xoxo

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