Sunday 15 May 2011

May day May day! Our holiday in Rhodes, Greece

The holiday came and went, but boy did we have an amazing (slightly drunken and crazy!) time!! I travelled with David who celebrated his Birthday there, also my Brother Mark and Sister-to-be-in-law Jen were celebrating being together for 10 years. We had been building up to this holiday for several months and were incredibly excited to be together, I haven't been on holiday with my Bro since I was 13 years old!

The crazy guests!
I managed to bag us an amazing deal from Bookable Holidays via for approx. £300 each we got flights, transfers and 7 nights accommodation all inclusive at the 4* Sunshine Vacation Hotel in Rhodes, Greece.

The front entrance to the hotel
It's a bit of a con with the Teletext prices that are advertised as when you phone to book they add on baggage allowance, transfers, taxes and charges which bumps up the price by about £100 each... but for £300 I still felt we had a total bargain.
You have to be a little organised and computer savvy to book your holidays this way as you have to print off your details yourself and ensure you check yourself into the flight online, which was simple enough for us

So the holiday....

We flew from Liverpool John Lennon airport with Ryanair to Rhodes, the flight was 3 hours and 40 minutes and was your typical budget airline experience. I was really disappointed as they had no food for a Vegetarian... infact they had very little food at all, but hey it was a bargain so I went hungry for a few hours.

Touch down in Rhodes and it was raining (booo!) the transfer took 15 minutes and we arrived at the fabulous Sunshine Vacation Hotel in Ialyssos, Rhodes.
Check-in was quick and efficient, then we went to our rooms in the 6th block, taking our cases with us as there was a wait for the bell boy. I'm one of those people who like to get straight in the room, hang all my clothes up, set out my make-up and toiletries in the bathroom so that I feel at home! The rooms were such a surprise as they where huge, with a separate lounge/dining/kitchenette complete with LCD TV. There was a small hall with wardrobe for coats and shoes, which lead to the bathroom and bedroom. The bedroom was fab, as it had a wall full of wardrobe space, large comfy bed, massive dressing table and extra LCD TV! Granted all the hubby could watch was CNN until he discovered NBC towards the end of the holiday (I was ready to crack if I watched any more digital re-constructions of news events) it was a nice surprise for such a bargain of deal.


Suffice to say the rooms were fantastic we quickly moved on to the food and drink...
Being a Veggie I sometimes struggle finding food that's edible and/or were I have more options other that mushroom... which I can't stand! The food at the Sunshine was simply to die for! I had so many options to choose from; lovely fresh salad, stuffed peppers, veggie pie and lots and lots of my favourite dish AUBERGINE Mmmm Mmmm, I can taste it now. Sometimes all inclusive can be a slight let down in the food and drink department, but not here. There was a wide selection of drink from herbal teas and hot chocolate to alcoholic spirits and cocktails. Whilst the red wine appeared watery it was nice to drink and rather lethal in the 'get me drunk' category, that said the cocktails tasted lovely but 'rocket fuel' springs to mind!

First day and the 2 Jens are drunk!
My favourite part of the Sunshine was the staff, we made so many friends including Ali, Mihai and Alex who after working incredibly long hours, partied with us into the small hours of the morning then started the morning shift to do it all over again!

Our new friends... Miss them already!
The hotel had plenty of things to do, with 3 pools and situated right on the beach, swimming and sun bathing was number one priority. Whist I was there I took part in a few activities which included my favourite form of excercise 'Zumba' with expert instructors, it was really fun in the sunshine!

Stunning pool... bit nippy though!

Hotel beach

Very difficult mini golf :)

The weather changed on the second day to glorious sunshine so we hired a car to discover the area which cost 60 Euros for 3 days, we got to see some gorgeous beaches and a some of the local picturesque areas, some of the cliff edges were rather scary I must admit.
Our hired Suzuki Splash!

Yes! They actually drove with these on, listening to Euro Trance lol

Anthony Quinn Bay, one of our stops! They filmed the Guns of Navarone here.
The hotel is situated very close to some local restaurants, bars and shops, therefore there was plenty to do outside of the all-inclusive complex. I managed to pick up a couple of replica bags and some local handicrafts and my Sis Jen got lots of gifts for the kiddies including replica Ray-Ban aviators for 5 Euro.
Most nights we found our drunk bums and our new friends travelled over to the the club next door called 'Empirers Cafe' which played all the latest dance music. We had some amazing nights here as the atmosphere was amazing, one particular night was my hubby's Birthday! I had sneakily packed some neon glow-in-the-dark make-up and huge joke glasses just for fun, little did I know just how popular it would be... everyone that night has paint all over them, which proved difficult to remove the following morning!!

Empires Cafe, our 2nd home :)

Spot the neon paint! It had melted off the boys heads!!

Local shops by night

All in all it was an amazing holiday, we had so much fun and acquired super tans. I don't feel I could drink anymore alcohol for a few months, but we have lots of special memories as we laughed for 95% of the time. We would love to return in September so I'm going to keep my eye out for some more bargain offers!

With our new tans lol!


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