Thursday 14 April 2011

Mini holiday splurge

Only 2 weeks till my jollies and I can not wait! Thankfully I have a few Bank Holidays and of course the Royal wedding to break up the time at work. I don't know about you but I'm a tidgy bit looking forward to the Royal wedding, they seem like a lovely couple and it's nice to celebrate (and get a day of work, yay!)

Anyhoo getting back to the subject... my hols... and my holiday purchases, so here are a few of the bits I've picked up.

I picked this up at Costco as it was cheaper here for the larger size. I swear by P20 as a sun protectant for all people from fair to dark. It is easy to apply once daily and you still get a lovely tan without the burning. I worked at a sunbed salon in my younger days and would say I abused my skin, I'm not proud of it as I had a scare with a mole on my shoulder and it had to be cut out. Luckily for me it was all fine, but it has highlighted the importance of looking after my skin as I am a little more darker I always took it for granted. I therefore highly recommend this sun protector!

Holiday Jewellery... Picked up in the sales at Topshop

I <3 these sandals £29.99 from River Island... I'm calling them 'Sailor Chic'

Quite a haulage from River Island, H&M and New look...

Shorts from River Island

River Island

River Island


Small shop called Diffusion


Playsuit River Island
And my favourite bargain was bagged at H&M for £7.99, I plan on wearing this in the day down to the beach and sipping copious amounts of cocktails!

Bruno's bed got in the shot too!

I have ordered lots more online and I wait for the post man every day in work, he thinks that I'm stalking him! The dreaded bikini shop is scheduled for this weekend... to be continued...

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