Wednesday 13 April 2011

J'Adore Dior Addict Lipstick!!!

OMG its official I am officially in love with my new Dior Brillance Spectaculaire Couleur Vibrante, and for all non-speaking French... Vibrant Colour... Spectacular Shine!!

The shade is 762, which is a bright corally pink and like the packaging states, boy does it shine! I picked it up at the weekend while I was in Manchester for a Scouting For Girls concert (they were excellent!) and since then I have literally worn it every day. One application and its a lovely dewy shine, 2-3 more then your smackers are popping colour.


What I particularly love is the fact that its like a balm texture and is ultra glossy. It is in fact the first lipstick that doesn't make my lips feel scabby or do that annoying colour collection on the inside and corners of the lips.

I must talk about the packaging too, its amazing! Its got a fair weight to it and is silver and clear, giving it a mirror effect. The lipstick actually pulls out from the case via the ball at the top with the iconic 'CD' on it, I must say I find this aesthetically pleasing to ones eye!

It sets itself apart from any other lipstick I own and maybe that's why I don't feel guilty about parting with £22.00 for it (heck I got Boots points too!) I J'adore it so much I'm planning on buying another shade this weekend :0)

Steph and I at Scouting For Girls!

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