Saturday 2 April 2011

Make-up storage... Spring Clean!

So the clocks have gone forward and spring has sprung but my endless make-up purchases have been mounting up and becoming very disorganised. So, it was time for a little spring clean and a re-think of my storage solutions...

I purchased this little plastic drawer trolley from Argos for £14.99 and thought that the colours were rather funky, bright and cute..

This is what I have stored in the drawers... 



 I've stored all my eyelines (liquid/Pencil/Gel) in this perspex drawer stack from Muji

My favourite brushes...

Other daily bits in Muji Perspex holder...

Lips (Marylin Monroe storage case)...

No doubt I'll change this all again soon, but I'm loving the fact that my desk is clear and all items are stored away in their own little place making it look organised and tidy! =)


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