Sunday 12 June 2011

D.I.Y Shellac Removal

If your too busy, too lazy or simply too broke to visit the salon and have your shellac (works for gel and acrylic false nails also) removed, then here is my quick and easy cheap skate guide to doing it yourself!

First off you'll need the following items;


1. Acetone- you can purchase a small bottle at most pharmacies for a couple of pounds, you may need to ask at the counter as its a restricted item due to it being used for dodgy things!

2. Cotton Wool balls

3. Tin foil cut into 10 strips (for each nail)

4. Wooden orange stick/hoof

3 Way Buffer for shine!
5. Emery board/nail file

6. 3 way buffer board

I also like to give my nails a mini manicure at the end so I have cuticle oil, OPI Nail Envy (or alternative treatment nail varnish) and hand cream

Step 1. Soak cotton wool ball with some Acetone, place on top of nail. (If removing Gel or Acrylic nails, buff the top of the nail slightly with a rough nail file to help the Acetone work faster)

Step 2. Place finger on top of tinfoil strip, fold across one side, fold the front part back, then finally fold the other side across. It will then be secure and look like a foil bauble on the end of the finger.

Step 3. Do this to each nail, then leave for 10 minutes. I find it easier to do one hand at a time!

Step 4. After 10 minutes gently pull down the foil  bauble on the first nail done. Using your wooden orange stick with the slanted edge scrape from the cuticle towards the tip to see if it comes away. If it is not, then put the bauble back on and leave it for a few more minutes.

Step 5. If it comes away scrape the shellac into the open foil like step 4, making sure you only push in that same one direction.. not backwards  and forwards up to the cuticle, or else this will weaken and/or damage your nail.

Step 6. When it is all scraped off, take another clean cotton wool ball and soak it with a little of the Acetone. Wipe at the nail (like you do whan taking off nail varnish) just to remove any leftover bits.

Step 7. Repeat this with each nail, the file the ends to neaten the nails.          

Step8. Your nails will feel a little thinner and rougher, but the bare in mind the Shellac has given the illusion that your nails were thicker. A bit like when you take your false lashes off and feel baldy! This is why I use the 3 way buffer, to make your nails look more even and shiny. Buff the top of each nail following the 3 way buffer directions and voile you should have nice, tidy de-shellac'd nails.

It's at this stage that I carry out my own mini-mani, whilst it's lovely to get back to the salon and have someone do this for you, it's very simple to do yourself and you can save the cash for your next Shellac appointment or new polish purchase :)

Jen xoxo

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