Monday 20 June 2011

Ta Ta to tatty heads! Tangle Teezer review

I have a confession... I stole this idea from my 4 and 7 year old nieces!! 
When I spent the weekend in the Lakes with my favourite mini Me's I pinched their Tangle Teezer to use as I couldn't find my brush, I presumed that it was just a gimmick for kiddies tatty hair but I was totally amazed at how much I enjoyed using it! It glides through all types of hair (dry or wet) and is totally safe to use on hair extensions. It minimises hair breakage, sleeks out your hair and is painless to use, this is especially good news for those of you with little ones with long locks. 
I love the fact that it is a new concept, that is funky to look at and is ergonomically easy to use, with it moulding into the palm of your hand.
I bought mine from Sally's for about £8.00 (at a VAT free event) but you can pick them up in stores like Boots for approx £10 and they are available to purchase online also. (Check out for stockists)
Mine is a shocking pink colour, which makes it very difficult to lose! It's extra fab as it can easily be washed in warm water and left to dry, therefore remaining hygienic and lasting longer than your ordinary hairbrush. 
I have spotted really cute cupcake versions of the Tangle Teezer which I think I will be treating my nieces to soon and perhaps maybe one for myself also!!

YouTube video from 'The Tuffstyle's Channel... Thanks

Jen xoxo

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