Sunday 17 July 2011

Reebok Runtone: My bargain purchase!

I picked these up on my little trip to JJB sports in Oxford, I couldn't resist as they were such a bargain and I had previously had my eye on the Reebok Easytone.

They are designed for making your run a little bit more beneficial on toning up your body, due to the air pods positioning in the bottom of the shoe. The sales assistant was incredibly rude and pushy, plus she didn't really promote the footwear in a positive light, telling me not to get them wet (so buy there JJB £2.99 spray) and the air pods could burst (so buy there JJB insoles). I'm not one for the hard sell and if the sales assistant has a really bad attitude problem, she ain't getting anymore cash out of me even if her miracle spray is only £2.99! I'm not too sure if I'm convinced in their 'technology' but I hate running so anything will help! They are however extremely comfy and have slight reflectors which is a plus when running at night. For £22.49 instead of £89.99 I'm not going to complain, but I'll let you know on how they fair up... so far I've only worn them to a Zumba class and to play on the XBox Kinnect, so not really quite the 10K or London Flora Marathon!

Jen xoxo

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