Wednesday 25 April 2012

Introducing my Thomas Sabo Charm Bracelet

I totally adore my Thomas Sabo charm bracelet, so i thought i'd share it with you. It was bought for me by my lovely work friends as a leaving gift and included the little silver bow charm. I was really touched as it was so thoughtful and really suited my personality.

It kick started another bug for collection, so at Christmas my hubby bought me the 'J' and my soul sister got me the lipstick (she knows me far too well... It's like a mini Chanel!)
I'm really careful with it as the charms attach with a small hook on clasp which are quite fragile, each charm starts from approx £25 upwards (some in their £100's ) so I'd be gutted if I lost one.
I always wanted one of those Disney charm bracelets as child so this has filled my long lost void, in fact I think a Little Mermaid or Minnie Mouse may be my next addition!
As a last little note... You may think my blog is named after Minnie Mouse, however it's actually my nick name for my gorgeous niece Yasmin! #uselessfactoftheday
Jen xox
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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