Tuesday 24 April 2012

Cutesy Bow Reverse French Mani

Ok so here is the first post of many nail art designs...

I have an obsessive nature by admission, which is a very expensive habit! Luckily this latest little craze is not to pricey on the purse, thanks to eBay I've managed to pick up some really cute accessories from a seller in Hong Kong and Its well worth the wait for shipping.

These little plastic bows are sooo cute and they cost less than £1.50 for 20 which included postage!

So, on to the design.... I've called it 'The Cutesy Bow Reverse French Mani'
I think it's cute, summery and really easy to do.. But it's a nuisance to wash your hair!!

Here's what I used, the polishes you can vary but I do find the Seche Vite top coat the best for me to use (see my previous post)

First I applied a base coat, it's really important to protect your nails from staining and glue but it also fills ridges and the polish lasts longer.

Then I applied a few coats of the white by Illamasqua, I don't really rate this polish as it takes lots of product to coat and for the price simply isn't worth it.

Next is the French tip, it's a little more difficult for me to do the right hand so I always do this first. I used 'feelin' hot hot hot' by OPI which is a raspberry pink colour.

A layer of top coat was added and finally a bow was glued to the tip of each ring finger. It would be more ideal to get someone else to add the bows as the glue is super strong and the bows a blooming nightmare to pick up with tweezers...

Oohps almost forgot the glue... Bought from Sally's Beauty Supplies.

Jen xoxo

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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