Wednesday 21 December 2011


Yay! The hub and I have a new addition to the family... Our shiny IPad 2! We've decided to go a little light on the gift giving this year as we have spent a fair few pounds on the kitchen (ahem and on beauty buys!) so it was our joint gift to each other.
I recently got the new iPhone 4S and have been driving everyone mad with my conversations with SIRI... Will it snow tomorrow? Etc, so I gave my hub my old iPhone and bless he is made up with it and has discovered the addiction of twitter!

In order to protect my new baby, I attacked Selfridges with gusto and bought this fab Marc Jacobs case to keep it warm :-) it cost £45. It's extra padded and squishy for protection in a simple black colour to avoid mucky finger marks.

Jen xoxo

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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