Wednesday 3 August 2011

Bath Time! Philosophy Hazelnut Espresso shampoo, shower gel & bubble bath

Mmmm Mmmm Mmm... had to share this most gorgeous bath product with you! Philosophy is a brand that I really love, their products are fun with cute little recipes and definitions on the bottles (a little light reading in the tub!) and they have unique scents that smell absolutely divine!!

Today's amazingness comes in the form of HAZELNUT ESPRESSO high-foaming shampoo, shower gel and bubble bath. It has such a yummy smell to it that is rich and velvety, It kind of reminds me of a Starbucks caramel latte! However its not too coffee-ish (a phrase I obviously just made up, but seems fitting) it could also be mistaken for chocolate, either way its G-o-rgeous.
I only ever use these mammoth bottles as bubble bath, as they seem rather rich for the other aforementioned uses but this is just personal preference. They do create a just the right amount of bubbles in the bath and I have found that although the fragrance is strong the product is still kind on the skin.

Anyhow that's my quick little summary, I'm off to run myself a lovely latte bath good enough to sip :)

Jen xoxo

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